Moo, a London-based company that aims to create products that “help folks take their virtual lives offline” got a respectable amount of attention earlier this week when they launched their minicard product for Flickr. The minicards are about half the size of a business card, with text on one side and photos on the other.
I’ve been looing at something to fill the role of business cards for a while. In all of my looking, I never really found something that worked for me. As a student, there’s the whole question of what to put on a business card. Without an affiliation, the cards would look rather bland and empty, unless a really big font got used. They also weren’t really very good for the semi-professional, semi-social interactions that students often have.
I’m hoping that the minicards, with a size and shape that says “I’m not really a business card,” fit this bill. I ordered my free pack of ten earlier this week, so we’ll see. The interface for designing and ordering your cards, by the by, is a pleasure, though it will likely leave some wanting more options.
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